HTML events.
Just like attributes, events are specified inside the HTML node children and attach to their closest parent.
val click : ( 'a -> 'a ) -> 'a t
click fn
invokes the callback fn
when its HTML parent node is clicked.
∀ f g. click f & click g == click (fun x -> g (f x))
∀ i f. iso i (click f) == click (Iso.map i f)
and same for lenses and prismsval doubleclick : ( 'a -> 'a ) -> 'a t
val keydown : ( int -> 'a -> 'a ) -> 'a t
val blur : ( 'a -> 'a ) -> 'a t
val init :
( Js_of_ocaml.Dom_html.element Js_of_ocaml.Js.t -> 'a -> 'a ) ->
'a t
init fn
calls fn
once on the creation of the HTML widget.
val init_focus : unit -> 'a t
init_focus ()
focuses the HTML parent element on creation.
val now : ( float -> 'a -> 'a ) -> 'a t
now fn
invokes the callback fn
on every frame with the current time and state.
val dt : ( float -> 'a -> 'a ) -> 'a t
dt fn
invokes the callback fn
on every frame with the delta time and state.
Consider submitting a PR if you find yourself using this!
val make :
_ Js_of_ocaml.Dom.event Js_of_ocaml.Js.t as 'e Js_of_ocaml.Dom_html.Event.typ ->
( 'e -> 'a -> 'a ) ->
'a t
make ev callback
attaches a new event handler to the HTML parent node.